Ohio's 9th congressional district has been represented by Representative Marcy Kaptur (D) since 1983. It was one of five districts that voted for Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election while being won or held by a Democrat in 2022. This district is in the northern part of the state, bordering Michigan, Indiana, and Ontario, Canada (via Lake Erie), and includes all of Defiance, Williams, Fulton, Lucas, Ottawa, Sandusky, and Erie counties, and a portion of northern Wood County. The previous iteration of the 9th district has been called "The Snake by the Lake" due to its long and skinny appearance on the map and one of the "Top 5 Ugliest Districts" due to gerrymandering. The two parts of the district are connected only via the Thomas Edison Memorial Bridge between Erie and Ottawa counties, as well as Crane Creek State Park. Some Ohio Democrats argued that when the beach floods, the reconfigured 9th is not contiguous. It was one of several districts challenged in a 2018 lawsuit seeking to overturn Ohio's congressional map as unconstitutional gerrymandering. According to the lawsuit, the 9th "eats its way across the southern border of Lake Erie" while fragmenting Cleveland and Toledo. In 2019, the Supreme Court refused to hear the case meaning that Ohio's congressional districts, including District 9, would not need to be redrawn. From Wikipedia