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183-Million-Year-Old Plesiosaur Fossil Reveals Unique Skin Features

New analysis uncovers a combination of smooth skin and scales that enhanced swimming and seabed movement.

  • Researchers analyzed soft tissue from a 183-million-year-old plesiosaur fossil discovered in Germany's Posidonia Shale.
  • The study found the marine reptile had smooth, hydrodynamic skin on its tail and scaly skin on its flippers' trailing edges.
  • The scales likely improved swimming efficiency by stiffening the flipper edges and helped the creature move along rough seabeds while feeding.
  • This exceptionally preserved fossil allowed scientists to observe 183-million-year-old skin cells under a microscope for the first time.
  • The findings provide new insights into plesiosaur biology and behavior, aiding in more accurate reconstructions of their appearance and evolutionary history.
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