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AI, Automation to Significantly Disrupt Global Labor Markets Within 5 Years

  • A survey found that nearly 25% of jobs will change or be displaced over the next five years due to AI and automation.
  • AI technologies will eliminate an estimated 26 million administrative and clerical jobs while creating new jobs in other areas like AI, machine learning, and cybersecurity.
  • Although new technologies like AI are creating jobs, they are eliminating more jobs than creating resulting in a net loss of 14 million jobs over the next five years according to estimates.
  • Employers expect to create 69 million new jobs by 2027 but eliminate 83 million existing jobs according to the survey by the World Economic Forum.
  • Employees will require significant retraining and upskilling to adapt to the fast changes with only about 50% of the workforce currently having access to necessary training.
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