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AI Tool Accurately Identifies Wine Origin, Could Help Detect Fraud

The machine learning algorithm analyzes the chemical composition of wines, providing each with a unique signature that can identify its estate of origin with 100% accuracy.

  • Scientists have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) tool that can identify the origin of a wine with 100% accuracy, according to a study published in Communications Chemistry.
  • The AI tool uses machine learning to analyze the chemical composition of wines, providing each with a unique signature.
  • The technology was tested on 80 wines from seven different estates in the Bordeaux region of France, harvested over a period of 12 years.
  • While the AI tool was able to accurately identify the estate of origin, it was only 50% accurate at identifying the specific vintage of the wine.
  • The technology could potentially be used to detect fraudulent wines and improve the overall standard of wine-making.
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