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Air Canada Ordered to Honor Refund After AI Chatbot Misadvises Passenger

A Canadian tribunal ruled that Air Canada must honor a refund policy mistakenly communicated by its AI chatbot, setting a precedent for AI accountability.

  • A grieving passenger was misled by Air Canada's AI chatbot regarding the airline's bereavement fare policy, leading to a legal dispute.
  • The Civil Resolution Tribunal of British Columbia found Air Canada responsible for the chatbot's advice, awarding the passenger damages and fees.
  • Air Canada attempted to argue that the chatbot was a separate legal entity and not liable for its misleading information, a claim the tribunal rejected.
  • This case marks a significant moment in the accountability of AI-powered customer service tools, potentially setting a legal precedent.
  • Experts suggest this case could influence how companies deploy AI chatbots, emphasizing the need for accuracy and liability for misinformation.
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