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Amazon Rainforest Under Threat: Poverty and Unsustainable Farming Practices Drive Deforestation

Efficient Use of Deforested Land and Sustainable Harvesting Could Help Preserve the Amazon

  • The Amazon rainforest, renowned for its biodiversity, is under threat due to deforestation driven by poverty and unsustainable agricultural practices.
  • The soil in the Amazon is not rich in nutrients, leading to barren ground after a few years of farming, causing farmers to abandon fields and clear more forest.
  • Ranching, responsible for 60% to 80% of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, is only a third as productive as it should be. Increasing efficiency on the same land area could meet increasing demands for meat through 2040.
  • Solutions include using already deforested land more efficiently, supporting businesses that sustainably harvest native products, and implementing low-cost natural fertilizers like forage peanuts and pigeon peas.
  • Climate change impacts are already being felt in the Amazon region, forcing adaptations in farming practices.
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