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Ancient Irrigation Canals Unveiled Beneath Mesopotamia's First City

Researchers uncover a vast canal network near Eridu, offering new insights into early farming and water management in Mesopotamia.

  • Archaeologists mapped over 200 primary canals and 4,000 smaller branches linked to the ancient Euphrates River in the Eridu region of southern Mesopotamia.
  • The canal system, preserved due to a shift in the Euphrates’ course, dates back to between the sixth and early first millennium BC.
  • The network irrigated over 700 farms, with field sizes ranging from 5,000 to more than 200,000 square feet, showcasing advanced water management techniques.
  • Farmers utilized natural river levees and gravity to distribute water efficiently, with the northern side of the river more heavily cultivated.
  • Further research aims to date specific canals and compare findings with ancient cuneiform texts to deepen understanding of early agricultural practices.
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