Antechinus Marsupials Turn to Cannibalism During Mating Season
Intense mating sessions lead to death in males, survivors found to cannibalize the dead for energy, according to new research.
- The antechinus, a small Australian marsupial, has been observed engaging in cannibalism during its mating season, a behavior previously unseen in the species.
- The males of the species are known for their intense mating sessions, which last up to 14 hours and result in their death due to a surge in stress hormones.
- Researchers believe the cannibalistic behavior provides an energy boost for the surviving antechinus, both males and females, during the demanding breeding period.
- The behavior was observed in two species, the mainland dusky antechinus and brown antechinus, which may also cannibalize each other due to their overlapping habitats and slightly offset breeding periods.
- The findings, published in the journal Australian Mammalogy, provide new insights into the survival strategies of these unique marsupials.