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Aston University Breaks World Record with 301 Tbps Fiber-Optic Speed

Achieving speeds 1.2 million times faster than average broadband, researchers unlock new potential for existing fiber networks.

  • Researchers at Aston University, in collaboration with international partners, achieved a data transfer rate of 301 terabits per second (Tbps) using standard optical fiber, setting a new world record.
  • This breakthrough in fiber-optic data transfer speeds is approximately 1.2 million times faster than the average broadband connection in the U.S.
  • The team utilized previously inaccessible E- and S-band wavelength bands, alongside the commonly used C- and L-bands, to achieve these unprecedented speeds.
  • The development of new optical amplifiers and optical gain equalizers enabled stable data transmission in the E-band, known for its high transmission loss.
  • This advancement does not require new infrastructure, potentially allowing for a significant increase in internet speeds through existing fiber cables.
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