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Austrian Incest Criminal Josef Fritzl Could Be Released from Prison

New Psychiatric Report Suggests Fritzl No Longer Poses a Danger to the Public

  • Josef Fritzl, the Austrian man who kept his daughter captive for 24 years and fathered seven children with her, could be released from prison. He was sentenced to life in 2009 for crimes including rape, incest, and enslavement.
  • Fritzl, now 88, is eligible for parole this year under Austrian law which allows prisoners sentenced to life to apply for parole after serving 15 years.
  • A new psychiatric report on Fritzl, who has dementia, has stated that he no longer poses a danger to the public. This could lead to a court decision to move him to a normal prison or possibly a care home.
  • Fritzl's lawyer, Astrid Wagner, is applying for his conditional discharge and hopes to move him to a nursing home.
  • The final decision on Fritzl's release and potential move to a care home is yet to be made.
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