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BBC Reporting Errors Lead to Collapse of High-Profile Abortion Trial

A judge dismissed the jury after inaccurate BBC coverage was deemed to undermine the defendants' credibility, prompting an apology from the broadcaster.

  • The trial involved Sophie Harvey, accused of illegally aborting her baby at 28 weeks, beyond England's legal abortion limit of 24 weeks.
  • The case was dismissed in May 2024 after BBC reporting included false claims, such as stating remains were found in a garden, which contradicted court evidence.
  • The judge criticized the BBC's coverage as 'appalling and sloppy,' stating it could prejudice the jury against Harvey's testimony.
  • Following the trial's collapse, Harvey and her partner Elliot Benham pled guilty to conspiracy to procure a poison to induce a miscarriage and received community orders.
  • The BBC issued an apology in court for its reporting errors, which was accepted by the judge.
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