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Bear Steals $45 Taco Bell Delivery, Returns for Drinks from Florida Family's Porch

Caught on Camera: Bear Estimated to Weigh 300 to 400 Pounds Takes Food and Drinks from Front Porch, Uber Eats Reimburses Stolen Order

  • The bear, estimated to weigh between 300 to 400 pounds, stole a $45 Taco Bell delivery from a family's porch in the Orlando suburb of Longwood, Florida.
  • The bear's actions were caught on the family's Ring camera, swiping the meal minutes after the delivery driver left, and returning moments later to take the drinks included in the order.
  • The family, shocked by the incident, discovered their food missing shortly after it was delivered. This led them to decide not to order food deliveries in the future and to be extra cautious when stepping outside their home.
  • Uber Eats issued a refund for the stolen food to the family, and according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, human-bear encounters often involve unsecured garbage and human food.
  • It's reported that bear sightings are common in the family's neighborhood, and this incident is not the first of its kind. There have been similar stories of bears stealing food, particularly during the fall months when they are most active and trying to gain weight for winter.
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