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Berlin Official Found Guilty of School Equipment Fraud

A former digitalization officer exploited his position to resell school devices worth nearly €60,000; the court issued a warning and financial penalties, though the judgment is not yet final.

  • The defendant, a 28-year-old former Berlin education administration employee, was found guilty of fraud for reselling school equipment ordered through a federal funding program.
  • The fraud involved 34 tablets, 4 monitors, and 4 external hard drives, causing financial damage of nearly €60,000, which has since been repaid by the defendant.
  • The court issued a warning, a conditional fine of €16,500, and a payment obligation of €12,000, with a two-year probation period attached.
  • The defendant admitted to the crime, expressed regret, and cited personal difficulties at the time of the offenses, which occurred between May and September 2021.
  • The judgment is not yet legally binding, and the case highlights systemic oversight failures within the Berlin education administration.
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