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Bill Maher Criticizes Elite Universities, Advises Against Attending Them

Maher claims Ivy League colleges foster harmful indoctrination, citing their handling of the Israel/Hamas conflict and their notable conservative alumni as evidence.

  • Comedian Bill Maher criticized elite American universities, such as Ivy League institutions, stating that they turn students 'stupid', foster harmful indoctrination and lack tolerance for diverse views.
  • He points to reactions from elite college students to the current Israel/Hamas conflict as evidence of this indoctrination, where a majority blamed Israel entirely for the unfolding violence.
  • Maher also criticized these institutions, specifically Harvard, for creating what he called 'asshole factor[ies]', taking aim at high-profile conservative alumni who are often associated with these schools, such as Ted Cruz, Ron DeSantis, and Jared Kushner.
  • Despite his own Cornell background, Maher advises young people to avoid college, particularly elite ones, warning that a college education is no longer necessary but can instead lead to a lifetime of crippling debt.
  • He controversially suggests that there are better uses for the high costs of college education, such as investing in cryptocurrency, traveling or even feeding oneself to a bear, stating that elite colleges should be referred to as 'expensive' rather than 'elite'.
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