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Bipartisan Senate Bill Introduced to Combat Campus Antisemitism and Islamophobia

The Protecting Students on Campus Act mandates reporting of civil rights complaints and audits of high-complaint institutions.

  • New bipartisan Senate bill, the Protecting Students on Campus Act, introduced to combat rising antisemitism and Islamophobia on college campuses.
  • The bill would require colleges and universities to report the number of civil rights complaints they receive and the actions they took to address them.
  • Education Department’s inspector general would be required to audit institutions that report high ratios of discrimination complaints relative to their student population.
  • Colleges and universities would be required to post links and language explaining to students how to file complaints under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act on their homepages.
  • The Education Department’s assistant secretary of civil rights would be required to brief Congress monthly on how many discrimination complaints have been received and how long they’ve been pending.
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