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Canadian Food Bank Visits Surge to Record 2 Million in March 2024

Rising inflation and housing costs drive a 90% increase in food bank usage since 2019, urging calls for government intervention.

  • Food Banks Canada reports a record-breaking 2,059,636 visits in March 2024, marking a 90% increase from March 2019.
  • Rising living costs, including rent and food prices, are major contributors to the surge in food bank demand across Canada.
  • A significant portion of food bank users are employed, with 18% of clients holding jobs, highlighting the widespread nature of the crisis.
  • Children represent one-third of food bank clients, with nearly 700,000 monthly visits, underscoring the impact on families.
  • Food Banks Canada urges the government to introduce a 'groceries and essentials benefit' to alleviate food insecurity for low-income Canadians.
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