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Casey Anthony Reemerges as Legal Advocate on TikTok and Substack

The acquitted murder suspect seeks to rebuild her public image, drawing mixed reactions to her new legal advocacy efforts.

  • Casey Anthony, acquitted in 2011 of charges related to the death of her daughter Caylee, has launched a TikTok account and Substack newsletter to promote herself as a legal advocate.
  • Her first TikTok video, viewed over 4.1 million times, highlights her intent to provide tools and resources for others while urging followers to subscribe to her Substack.
  • Anthony claims to have worked in the legal field since 2011 but has not clarified her specific roles or contributions during this time.
  • The public response to her reappearance has been polarized, with many questioning her credibility and motives given her controversial past.
  • Anthony states her goal is to turn the notoriety she gained from her trial into a platform for advocacy, including support for LGBTQ rights, women's rights, and legal reform.
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