CDU's Friedrich Merz Regrets Controversial Voicemail to Green Party Leader
Merz acknowledges misstep in contacting Britta Haßelmann about critical debt package negotiations, emphasizing his intent to expedite communication.
- Friedrich Merz, CDU leader, left a voicemail for Green Party leader Britta Haßelmann to discuss a major debt package, sparking criticism from the Greens.
- Merz stated he would have approached communication differently if he had foreseen the backlash from leaving the voicemail.
- The voicemail was intended to prepare discussions about constitutional amendments requiring Green Party support for passage in the Bundestag.
- Merz explained his urgency to contact Haßelmann before a press conference following SPD and CDU coalition talks on the debt package.
- Despite the controversy, negotiations between the CDU, SPD, and Greens succeeded, with the Bundestag set to vote on the constitutional amendments on Tuesday.