Chicago Landlord Fined $80,000 for Threatening to Report Tenants to Immigration Authorities
The case marks the first judgment under Illinois' 2019 Immigrant Tenant Protection Act, which prohibits landlords from using immigration status to harass or intimidate tenants.
- A Chicago landlord was ordered to pay $80,000 after threatening to report tenants to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) during a rent dispute in 2020.
- The case is the first to reach judgment under Illinois' Immigrant Tenant Protection Act, enacted in 2019 to safeguard tenants from harassment based on immigration status.
- The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) filed the lawsuit on behalf of the tenants, who stated they refused to remain silent in the face of threats.
- The court ruling also awarded additional compensation for the landlord denying the tenants access to their belongings, alongside attorneys' fees and costs.
- Advocates hope the judgment sends a clear message to housing providers about the consequences of violating tenants' rights under Illinois law.