China Transitions from World's Largest Creditor to Largest Official Debt Collector as $1.1 Trillion in Loans to Developing Countries Come Due
China faces increasing financial distress as developing nations default on loans; shift in lending sees focus on bailing out financially-strapped borrowers.
- Developing countries owe Chinese lenders at least $1.1 trillion dollars, more than half of which are now due as many borrowers struggle financially, according to a new data analysis.
- 80% of China’s lending portfolio in developing countries is currently supporting nations in financial distress; in 2008, Beijing was only dealing with 10 financially-distressed countries with unpaid debts.
- The shift in China's lending sees a reduced focus on infrastructure projects and an increase in emergency rescue loans to help financially distressed countries; these bailouts are given with particular attention to major Belt and Road borrowers where Chinese banks have the highest exposure.
- AidData's figures reveal that up to $1.5 trillion of debt may be owed to Chinese lenders by developing countries as of 2021.
- Despite the rising financial distress, China remains the world’s single largest official source of development finance, out-funding any single Group of Seven (G7) developed economy as well as multilateral lenders.