Climate Change Makes Insurance Unaffordable or Unavailable for Many Homeowners
- State Farm, the largest homeowner insurance company in California, will stop selling coverage to homeowners in the state due to rapidly growing catastrophe exposure.
- Homeowners in coastal states are being squeezed from yet another direction with flood insurance rates increasing due to growing losses and risk-based pricing.
- Insurance companies are raising rates, restricting coverage, or pulling out of some areas altogether due to the financial impact of climate change.
- Louisiana's insurance market is in crisis, with nine insurance companies failing and the state borrowing $500 million from the bond market to pay the claims of homeowners who had been abandoned when their private insurers failed.
- The National Flood Insurance Program, which offered taxpayer-backed coverage to homeowners, is facing growing losses due to more severe storms, and FEMA is setting rates equal to the actual flood risk facing homeowners.