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Couple Jailed for Starving and Burying Their Three-Year-Old Son

Tai and Naiyahmi Yasharahyalah were sentenced to a combined 44 years after their malnourished son died and was buried in their backyard.

  • Abiyah Yasharahyalah, 3, died in early 2020 from a respiratory illness compounded by severe malnutrition, rickets, anemia, and stunted growth.
  • The couple followed an unsupplemented extreme vegan diet and refused medical care, attempting to treat their son with garlic and ginger instead of seeking professional help.
  • After Abiyah's death, his parents kept his body in their bed for eight days before burying him in an 80cm-deep grave behind their Handsworth, Birmingham home.
  • Tai and Naiyahmi Yasharahyalah, who created their own belief system and lived 'off-grid,' were found guilty of neglect and perverting the course of justice after a two-month trial.
  • The couple was arrested in December 2022 while living in a caravan, with police uncovering the burial site after their eviction from the Birmingham property.
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