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CSU Proposes Overhaul of Germany's Constitutional Asylum Rights

Markus Söder calls for a shift from individual asylum claims to government-controlled migration limits ahead of February elections.

  • CSU leader Markus Söder has proposed a major reform to Germany's asylum laws, seeking to replace the individual right to claim asylum with a state-controlled system of migration limits.
  • Söder argues that the current system overburdens Germany and that the government and parliament should decide how many people the country can admit.
  • The proposal will be included in the CSU's January election platform, which will supplement the broader program of the CDU/CSU alliance ahead of the February 23 Bundestag elections.
  • This marks a return to long-standing debates within the CDU/CSU over asylum policy, including past disputes about migration caps during the 2015 refugee crisis.
  • Söder emphasizes the need for a balanced migration policy that supports labor migration and asylum for those in need, while asserting that Germany cannot assist the entire world.
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