Dancer Dies from Severe Allergic Reaction to Mislabeled Cookies
Legal Action Planned Against Grocery Store for Failing to List Peanuts in Ingredients
- Órla Baxendale, a 25-year-old professional dancer, died from anaphylactic shock after consuming a cookie that contained peanuts but was not labeled as such.
- The cookie was sold by Stew Leonard's grocery store and produced by Cookies United.
- Stew Leonard's claims they were not informed by Cookies United of a change in the cookie's recipe from soy nuts to peanuts, but Cookies United insists they notified Stew Leonard's in July 2023.
- An EpiPen was used during Baxendale's allergic reaction, but due to the severity of her allergy, it was ineffective.
- Legal action is being planned by Baxendale's family against Stew Leonard's for failing to list peanuts in the cookie ingredients.