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De Niro's Ex-Assistant Accuses Him of Abusive Behavior at Gender Discrimination Trial

Ex-assistant, Graham Chase Robinson, who worked for De Niro from 2008 to 2019, takes the witness stand, alleging abusive and sexist behavior from the actor; meanwhile De Niro's girlfriend Tiffany Chen accuses Robinson of being "mean-spirited" and seeking "imaginary intimacy" with De Niro.

  • Graham Chase Robinson, who served as Robert De Niro’s chief personal assistant for over a decade, alleges that De Niro treated her discriminatorily and abusively. She claimed De Niro's courtroom outburst during his testimony as an example.
  • Robinson is suing De Niro for gender discrimination and seeking $12 million in damages. She alleges that De Niro repeatedly used 'vulgar, inappropriate, and gendered comments', besides overworking and underpaying her.
  • During her tenure at De Niro's company, Canal Productions, her title changed from executive assistant to vice president of production and finance, though De Niro testified that her job duties remained the same.
  • Robinson denied any romantic attraction to De Niro, refuting claims by De Niro’s girlfriend, Tiffany Chen, who testified that Robinson had 'imaginary intimacy' with the actor and was a 'mean-spirited' and 'nasty' person.
  • Counter to Robinson's claims, De Niro initially sued her for allegedly spending thousands of dollars of the company’s money, watching TV on work time, and transferring hundreds of thousands of dollars in airline miles to her personal account. He seeks $6 million in damages against her.
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