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Discovery of Potential Ocean on Uranus' Moon Miranda Raises Hope for Extraterrestrial Life

New research suggests that Miranda may have a subsurface ocean, challenging previous assumptions about its geology and potential habitability.

  • Scientists have found evidence suggesting that Miranda, a moon of Uranus, may have a subsurface ocean that could potentially harbor microbial life.
  • The study, published in The Planetary Science Journal, indicates that gravitational interactions may have generated heat, creating a liquid ocean beneath Miranda's icy crust.
  • Miranda's unique geological features, such as canyons and ridges, are thought to result from internal heating and tidal forces with Uranus.
  • The presence of a subsurface ocean places Miranda among a select group of celestial bodies in our solar system with potential for life.
  • Further exploration and data collection are needed to confirm the existence and current state of the ocean on Miranda.
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