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Dschungelcamp Sets Record with Fifth Failed Challenge on Day 14

Maurice Dziwak's panic in the water tank and Anna-Carina Woitschack's exit mark a dramatic day in the camp's history.

  • Maurice Dziwak and Lilly Becker failed the 'Stock-Schauer' challenge, marking the fifth failed trial of the season—a record in the show's 20-year history.
  • Maurice's panicked reaction during the water tank challenge led to laughter from Lilly and the hosts but frustration among campmates due to the lack of food rewards.
  • Anna-Carina Woitschack, who struggled with challenges throughout the season, was voted out by viewers and expressed relief upon leaving.
  • Tensions remain high in the camp, with disputes between contestants over failed trials and interpersonal conflicts continuing to escalate.
  • Emotional letters from family members brought brief moments of solace to the contestants amidst the ongoing drama.
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