Efforts to Address Sexual Abuse in Evangelical Church Face Delays
Disagreements over commission appointments slow progress in Niedersachsen, while other regions move forward with independent bodies.
- The establishment of an independent commission to address sexual abuse in the Evangelical Church and Diakonie in Niedersachsen and Bremen has been delayed due to disputes over member appointments.
- Two nominees from the Niedersachsen state government, Thela Wernstedt and Antje Niewisch-Lennartz, withdrew after some survivors objected to their prior church affiliations, citing concerns over impartiality.
- The Niedersachsen state government defended the nominees as highly qualified and independent but stated it would not propose alternative candidates at this time.
- In contrast, other regional commissions, such as those in Berlin, Brandenburg, and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, are set to begin operations by the end of March, with notable members like DDR civil rights activist Ulrike Poppe.
- These commissions aim to investigate past abuses, provide a platform for survivor complaints, and develop recommendations for prevention and intervention across nine regions in Germany.