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ETH Zurich Develops Sound-Powered Sensor to Reduce Battery Waste

The innovative sensor, which uses vibrational energy from sound waves, has potential applications in infrastructure monitoring and medical devices.

  • Researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a mechanical sensor that uses the vibrational energy from sound waves to power electronic devices, potentially eliminating the need for millions of batteries.
  • The sensor can distinguish between certain spoken words, with the vibrational energy from these words generating a small electrical pulse that can activate an electronic device.
  • The sensor is made from silicone and does not contain toxic heavy metals or rare earths, unlike conventional electronic sensors.
  • Potential applications for the sensor include monitoring infrastructure for signs of damage, detecting gas leaks in decommissioned oil wells, and powering medical devices such as cochlear implants and eye pressure monitors.
  • The researchers aim to release a solid prototype by 2027, and are considering founding a start-up if they do not attract interest from industry.
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