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Ex-Met Detective Guilty of Misconduct for Spraying Neighbors in Dog Waste Dispute

Mel Chinn resigned after a panel found her actions, including hosing dog waste into neighbors' property, were threatening and abusive.

  • Detective Sergeant Mel Chinn was involved in a prolonged dispute with her Croydon neighbors over boundary issues and dog waste.
  • Chinn was found guilty of gross misconduct for repeatedly spraying her neighbors with a hose during altercations about dog waste.
  • The misconduct panel highlighted the threatening and abusive nature of Chinn's actions, which were captured on video evidence.
  • Chinn's neighbors accused her of deliberately directing dog waste into their garden, which she denied, blaming her daughter instead.
  • Though Chinn resigned before the hearing, the panel indicated she would have received a final written warning had she stayed in the force.
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