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Ex-San Francisco Fire Commissioner Accused of Provoking Violent Altercation Through Repeated Bear Spray Attacks on Homeless

  • New evidence suggests Don Carmignani initiated an April assault by dousing suspect Garret Doty with bear spray, according to Doty's attorneys.
  • Carmignani's account of being beaten unprovoked has been called into question by emerging details of his alleged history harassing homeless individuals with bear spray.
  • Prosecutors who initially pursued charges against Doty for the assault now appear poised to drop the case due to Carmignani's alleged provocation and failure to appear in court.
  • Carmignani's attorneys deny the claims, but police reports and video evidence suggest he may be linked to at least eight separate unprovoked bear spray attacks on homeless people dating back to November 2021.
  • The new revelations turn a case that garnered national attention as an example of violent crime in San Francisco on its head, with Carmignani now cast as the primary aggressor.
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