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Exodus of Former Leaders from Grüne Jugend Berlin Amid Political Discontent

Key former members cite deep disagreements with Bündnis 90/Die Grünen's policies, prompting a move to form a new leftist youth group.

  • Prominent former leaders of Grüne Jugend Berlin, including Anton Zagolla, Kira Wesbuer, and Lisbeth Ritterhoff, have resigned from the organization.
  • The departures are part of a broader trend, following a similar mass exit by the national board of the Green Youth in late September.
  • Discontent with the party's social and asylum policies has been a significant factor in the resignations.
  • The former leaders aim to establish a new, distinctly leftist youth organization to better align with their political ideals.
  • Despite the resignations, Grüne Jugend Berlin recently elected a new board, with Marie Graser stepping in as a co-spokesperson.
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