Feinstein Briefly Hospitalized After Fall At Home, Prompting Renewed Concerns Over Health
- Sen. Dianne Feinstein, 90, was briefly hospitalized after a fall at her San Francisco home, scans showed no serious injuries, and she returned home.
- The hospital visit prompted renewed concerns over Feinstein's health and ability to serve, as she has faced shingles, encephalitis, and other issues this year.
- Some Democrats have called for Feinstein to resign before her term ends in 2025, while Senate Majority Leader Schumer expressed support for her finishing her term.
- Feinstein has relinquished some duties, such as a key role on the Senate Judiciary Committee, but says she intends to remain in office through January 2025.
- The incident fuels debate over whether older legislators should remain in office amid health troubles or resign to allow successors to take over.