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Floating Solar Farms in North Sea Face Major Research Hurdles

Experts highlight the need for extensive studies on materials, environmental impact, and technical feasibility before offshore photovoltaic systems can be deployed in German waters.

  • Floating photovoltaic (PV) systems, also known as floating solar farms, are being explored as a potential renewable energy source in the North Sea, but significant research is required to address technical and environmental challenges.
  • Unlike offshore wind turbines, floating PV systems face constant movement from waves and wind, requiring new materials and designs to ensure durability and reliability.
  • Scientists and regulators emphasize the need for studies on the ecological impact of these systems on marine environments, as understanding of their interaction with water ecosystems is still in its infancy.
  • While neighboring countries like the Netherlands have initiated pilot projects, no similar installations or plans currently exist in German coastal waters.
  • Experts argue that more pilot projects are essential to test and refine the technology under real-world sea conditions before it can contribute meaningfully to Germany's energy transition.
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