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Florida Awards 22 New Medical Marijuana Licenses After Prolonged Delays

The long-overdue licenses aim to expand competition in a market dominated by a few companies, though legal challenges may slow implementation.

  • Florida has issued 22 new medical marijuana licenses, ending a 19-month delay in the application process that began in April 2023.
  • The state’s medical marijuana market has been controlled by 28 companies, with only two-thirds operating storefronts, serving nearly 1 million patients.
  • The law mandates issuing four new licenses for every additional 100,000 patients, but Florida has been out of compliance for years, according to experts.
  • Three licenses were awarded to Black farmers, addressing past discrimination highlighted in the Pigford cases, as required by state legislation.
  • Litigation over the new licenses is expected, potentially delaying the opening of retail outlets and further market expansion.
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