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Four Rocky Planets Confirmed Around Barnard's Star, Earth's Neighbor

Astronomers identify four sub-Earth planets orbiting Barnard's Star, marking a breakthrough in the search for smaller exoplanets.

  • Barnard's Star, located just 6 light-years away, is now confirmed to host four rocky exoplanets, each 20-30% the mass of Earth.
  • The planets were detected using the MAROON-X instrument on the Gemini North telescope and independently verified with data from the ESPRESSO instrument on the Very Large Telescope.
  • These planets orbit extremely close to their star, completing a full orbit in just a few Earth days, making them too hot to support life.
  • This discovery sets a new benchmark for identifying smaller planets around nearby stars, showcasing advancements in precision instruments and techniques.
  • Barnard's Star, a red dwarf and the second-closest star system to Earth, has long intrigued astronomers due to its proximity and potential for planetary systems.
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