France Drops Plan to Make Brevet Mandatory for High School Entry
Education Minister Elisabeth Borne reverses controversial policy while announcing new measures for the 2025 school year.
- The government has scrapped the requirement for students to obtain the Brevet diploma to advance to high school, a policy initially set to take effect in 2027.
- The Brevet exam will place greater emphasis on final exams, which will now account for 60% of the final grade, up from 50%.
- Classes designed to support students who fail the Brevet, known as 'prépa seconde,' will continue in 2025 and be evaluated for effectiveness.
- The planned elimination of 4,000 teaching positions has been canceled, with resources redirected to improve student-teacher ratios and support inclusive education.
- Groups of need for French and math in sixth and fifth grades will remain in place but undergo evaluation, while their expansion to higher grades has been halted.