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François Bayrou Rules Out Lowering Retirement Age to 62 Amid Global Challenges

The French Prime Minister emphasizes fiscal balance and international pressures while rejecting calls to revert to the previous retirement age.

  • Prime Minister François Bayrou has firmly rejected proposals to lower the retirement age back to 62, citing financial and geopolitical considerations.
  • Bayrou stressed the need to balance the private retirement system by 2030 and explore methods for improving the public retirement system's finances.
  • He highlighted his disagreement with former Prime Minister Édouard Philippe, emphasizing the importance of social dialogue and involving intermediary bodies in decision-making.
  • The Prime Minister dismissed tax increases as a solution for funding government priorities, advocating instead for discussions on increasing workforce productivity and working hours.
  • Bayrou also addressed broader challenges, including economic pressures from U.S. tariffs and the need to bolster France's military readiness in light of ongoing global tensions.
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