French Retirement Reform Extends Average Departure Age
New data reveals that recent reforms will delay the average retirement age by six months, despite an increase in the legal retirement age.
- The average retirement age in France increased by two years and two months since 2010, now standing at 62 years and 8 months as of the end of 2022.
- The 2023 retirement reform is expected to delay the average retirement age by an additional six months, despite raising the legal retirement age to 64.
- Gender disparities persist, with women's pensions averaging 38% less than men's, although this gap narrows to 26% when including survivor's benefits.
- Retirees in France enjoy a slightly higher standard of living than the general population, with a median income 2.1% above the national median.
- Despite annual pension adjustments, retirees have experienced a 5.5% decrease in purchasing power from 2012 to 2022 when adjusted for inflation.