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German Government Extends Rent Control Until 2028 Amid Criticism

The decision to prolong the rent cap faces opposition within the coalition and skepticism about its effectiveness in addressing housing shortages.

  • The coalition government has agreed to extend the rent control measure, known as the Mietpreisbremse, until the end of 2028, despite initial plans to extend it to 2029.
  • Critics argue that the rent control measure has not effectively curbed rising rents or addressed the underlying housing shortage.
  • The measure limits rent increases for new leases to 10% above the local average, but exceptions and loopholes have reduced its impact.
  • The extension has sparked internal conflict within the coalition, with some parties pushing for stricter regulations and others concerned about impacts on housing construction.
  • The decision was part of broader negotiations involving unrelated policy areas, highlighting the complex dynamics within the coalition government.
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