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Greek Police Investigate Bedbug Hoax Targeting Tourists

False warnings of a bedbug infestation in Athens' short-term rentals aimed at foreign visitors have been denounced by the Greek health ministry.

  • Greek health officials have sought police assistance to combat a hoax that falsely claimed a bedbug infestation in Athens, specifically targeting foreign tourists staying in short-term rental apartments.
  • The hoax involved posters adorned with fake logos of the health ministry and Athens municipality, warning of a non-existent bedbug crisis and threatening a €500 fine for failure to vacate the premises.
  • The Greek health ministry has emphasized that the claims are 'absolutely false' and that Greece has not experienced any significant issues with bedbugs.
  • The hoax comes at a time when Athens and other parts of Greece are grappling with housing issues, largely due to the proliferation of short-term rental apartments for foreign visitors, which has led to increased long-term rental costs for locals.
  • Tourism, a key driver of Greece's economy, is expected to have a record year in 2023, despite the hoax.
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