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Horseshoe Crab Harvest Limited to Protect Endangered Red Knot Bird

No Harvest of Female Crabs from Delaware Bay in 2024, Male Harvest Increased in Mid-Atlantic

  • US regulators are limiting the harvest of horseshoe crabs to help rebuild its population and aid the red knot, a migratory shorebird listed as threatened.
  • No harvest of female horseshoe crabs that originate in the Delaware Bay will be allowed during the 2024 fishing season.
  • The Delaware Bay horseshoe crab population has been increasing over the last two decades.
  • More harvest of male horseshoe crabs in the mid-Atlantic will be allowed to compensate for the lost harvest of females.
  • Horseshoe crabs are used as bait for eels and sea snails, and their blue blood is used to test for potentially dangerous impurities by drug and medical device makers.
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