House Passes Legislation to Bring Whole Milk Back to Schools
The decision, which reverses a decade-long ban, has been met with criticism and ridicule, with opponents arguing that Congress should be focusing on more pressing issues.
- Despite pressing issues such as aid to Ukraine and Israel, a border deal, and spending legislation, the House passed legislation to bring whole milk back to America's school cafeterias.
- The measure, which would undo a ban on high-fat milk in schools that has been in place for over a decade, passed 330 to 99.
- Republicans, pressed by the milk lobby and dairy-producing states, waited for an opportunity to reverse the ban on whole milk in schools that was implemented in 2010 as part of Michelle Obama's policy changes to combat childhood obesity.
- Representative Virginia Foxx, a North Carolina Republican, argued that denying children milk was tantamount to ruining Christmas, a statement that sparked ridicule on social media.
- Opponents of the bill argue that low-fat options currently offered in schools are already nutritionally sufficient, minus the saturated fat, and that Congress should be focusing on more pressing issues.