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Hurricane Helene's Aftermath: Swarms of Stinging Insects Threaten North Carolina

Flooding from Hurricane Helene has disrupted insect nests, leading to increased stings and a surge in demand for allergy medications.

  • Severe flooding in North Carolina has displaced yellow jackets and bees, causing them to swarm and sting residents.
  • The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services is distributing Benadryl and EpiPens to manage allergic reactions.
  • Officials are considering allowing over-the-counter sales of epinephrine injections to address the increased risk of stings.
  • Most people are not allergic, but stings can still cause painful swelling and, in severe cases, life-threatening anaphylaxis.
  • Residents are advised to wear protective clothing and avoid disturbing insect nests to minimize the risk of being stung.
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