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Japan Conducts Disaster Drill on Yonaguni Amid Taiwan Threat

Exercise involves 200 officials and military personnel; strong winds prevent SDF helicopters and landing craft from participating

  • Japan conducted a tsunami evacuation drill on Yonaguni, its westernmost island, involving about 200 island officials and members of the Self-Defense Force. The exercise could also help residents respond to an emergency arising from any attempt by China to take control of nearby Taiwan.
  • Strong winds prevented Self-Defense Force helicopters and landing craft from participating in the exercise, despite having sailed more than 1,000 km from the main Japanese islands.
  • Yonaguni's mayor, Kenichi Itokazu, emphasized the importance of disaster preparedness, stating that they cannot choose when they will face a disaster and must plan for the worst possible scenario.
  • Koji Sugama, the Yonaguni official in charge of disaster preparedness, highlighted the need for the community to be prepared for the danger of conflict, in addition to natural disasters.
  • The drill comes amid concerns over China's increased military activity and claims over Taiwan, which have prompted Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to plan to double defense spending over the next five years.
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