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Jogger Hospitalized After Rare Otter Attack in Malaysian Park

Mariasella Harun was ambushed by a group of otters while jogging in Tanjung Aru Recreation Park, suffering severe injuries.

  • Mariasella Harun, a regular jogger in Tanjung Aru Recreation Park, was attacked by eight otters early Wednesday morning.
  • The otters, including six adults and two cubs, emerged from a drain and bit Harun, leaving her with deep gashes on her legs, arms, and face.
  • This incident marks the second otter attack in the park, prompting wildlife officials to reinforce the park's fence and warn the public against feeding the animals.
  • Wildlife authorities suggest the otters may have acted defensively, perceiving Harun as a threat to their cubs.
  • Harun was rushed to the hospital for treatment, and a wildlife team has been dispatched to monitor the otters' behavior.
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