Lead Poisoning in Children Linked to Contaminated Applesauce Pouches
FDA identifies cinnamon as likely source, conducts inspection of Ecuadorian facility; 64 cases reported across 27 U.S. states.
- Lead poisoning linked to tainted pouches of cinnamon apple puree and cinnamon applesauce has affected 64 children under the age of 6, up from 57 last week, according to the FDA.
- The FDA has identified the cinnamon as the most likely source of the lead in the three recalled products — WanaBana apple cinnamon fruit puree, Schnucks apple sauce pouches with cinnamon and Weis cinnamon apple sauce.
- The FDA has conducted an onsite inspection of the facility in Ecuador that made the applesauce pouches, and ingredient sample collection is underway.
- Ecuadorian authorities found that the cinnamon, which came from the supplier Negasmart, had levels of lead that exceeded what is allowed by the country.
- Cases have been reported in 27 states across the U.S., and the affected children who consumed the contaminated cinnamon apple pouches had blood lead levels at or above 3.5 micrograms per deciliter, a level that the CDC considers higher than what’s seen in most children.