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Legislative Policies Impact College Choice, Survey Finds

State laws on abortion, gun policies, and divisive topics are key factors for prospective students.

  • A new Gallup and Lumina Foundation survey reveals that state laws on abortion, gun policies, and the discussion of divisive topics significantly influence college choice for U.S. adults considering or currently pursuing a degree.
  • 84% of respondents prefer colleges with more restrictive gun policies, highlighting concerns over safety and gun violence on campuses.
  • State laws on abortion and reproductive health care also play a crucial role, with a majority preferring states with less restrictive laws.
  • The survey also found that policies on divisive concepts related to race and gender are important to prospective students, with a preference for states that do not restrict such discussions.
  • Post-graduate job prospects, scheduling, institutional prestige, and college cost remain the most influential factors in college choice, despite the importance of legislative policies.
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