Local Officials and Researchers Urge EPA to Take Action on America's Worsening Food Waste Problem
After Reports Highlight Climate Impact of Food Waste, More Than 50 Local Officials and Researchers Press EPA for More Funding, Technical Help, and Revised Landfill Standards.
- Over a third of the food produced in the U.S. ends up in landfills, resulting in substantial methane emissions that accelerate climate change.
- Local officials are requesting assistance from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to help reduce food waste within their municipalities, after recent EPA reports shed light on the scale and impact of the issue.
- The officials are seeking increased grant funding and technical support for landfill alternatives, as well as a revision of landfill standards to enhance methane emission prevention, detection, and reduction.
- While the U.S. set a goal in 2015 to halve food waste by 2030, progress has been limited. It's thought that a significant change in public mindset, as well as revised practices among farmers and manufacturers, will be essential to achieving this goal.
- The EPA has updated its waste reduction strategy rankings for the first time since the 1990s, promoting prevention as a top priority. However, effective waste reduction will involve a significant societal shift, as households are currently responsible for at least 40% of food waste.