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Lost Continent of Argoland Discovered in Southeast Asia, Sheds Light on Geological History and Wildlife Distribution

Researchers Reveal Argoland as Scattered Series of Microcontinents Influencing Regional Biodiversity, Challenging Traditional Concepts of Continent Structure

  • The lost continent of Argoland, which split from Australia 155 million years ago, has been rediscovered within the eastern islands of Southeast Asia after a seven-year research project.
  • Dubbed an 'Argopelago,' Argoland comprises a series of shattered microcontinents rather than a solid landmass, challenging traditional notions of continent structure.
  • This discovery contributes to understanding of the Wallace line, a dividing boundary between Southeast Asian and Australian fauna, suggesting distinct biodiversity evolution on either side.
  • Findings suggest that Argoland carried its unique wildlife, including marsupials and cockatoos, away from Australia when it drifted towards Southeast Asia, influencing regional biodiversity.
  • This research on Argoland's fragmentation and drift helps study earth's geological history, evolution of biodiversity, climate patterns and could aid in finding new raw materials.
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